Kinetics of filtration drying of wild carrot pomace


The study presents the results of research on the kinetics of filtration drying of wild carrot pomace for the production of alternative solid fuel. The relevance of choosing this material as the research object is justified. The influence of the height of the stationary layer, the temperature of the heating agent, and its filtration rate through the stationary layer of wild carrot pomace on the drying process is analyzed. A graphical dependence of the filtration drying rate on the material's current moisture content is provided, along with an investigation of the moisture removal dynamics and drying rate under different heating agent parameters and stationary layer heights.

Author (co-authors)
First name Last name Institutional affiliation E-mail Phone number ORCID ID Academic status, position Institution address Author contribution(s) Institutional affiliation
PhD student
UKRAINE, Lviv, 12 Bandery str.
Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering
UKRAINE, Lviv, 12 Bandery str.
Writing – Review & Editing
Lviv Polytechnic National University