Requirements for Publication


The volume of abstracts of the report: 2-3 completely filled pages of A5 format.

Language: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

The thesis text is created in the text editor "Microsoft Word"

The font is Times New Roman according to the specified pin.

Тhesis title 14 point, bold
1 Іntroduction 12 point, bold
2.1 Units 10 point, bold
The title is in bold. Next comes the text 10 point, bold

The lowest level header. Next comes the text 10 point, bold

Sizes of page margins: top, bottom – 5.2 cm; external, internal - 4.4 cm.

The list of references (up to 10 names) is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 7.1:2006 and is formed in the order of references in the text.

Formulas are typed in the formula editor of the Microsoft Word package.

File format *.docx, *.doc

Sample theses (.docx)



Articles, on the recommendation of the program committee, which are designed in accordance with the relevant requirements of this scientific publication, may be published in the following scientific publications:

Publication in journals will be carried out on the basis of peer review of the relevant scientific publication.



The presentation before the speech is drawn up according to the template.

The actual performance of the presentation will last 20 minutes - 15 minutes of the report and 5 minutes of answering questions.

The keynote speakers themselves can choose the style and format of the report, as well as download a template.

The recommended file type for presentations is PowerPoint (*.pptx).

All speakers will be introduced to the audience by the chairperson of the session.

Recommendations for a successful presentation

  • The content of the presentation should be structured: name, introduction, purpose and tasks of the research, methodology, results, conclusions, etc.
  • Presentations should not contain whole paragraphs of text.
  • Each slide should contain a title that summarizes the information covered on the slide.
  • The presentation should be logical - start to finish.
  • Use large fonts. Small print is difficult to read and understand.
  • Use as light backgrounds as possible with dark text.
  • Diversity will make your presentation interesting.
  • Slides are intended to complement your presentation, not to be the main readable text. Do not read your presentation, but speak freely.
  • Do not read from the slide - change the choice of words and sentences.
  • Be sure to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Use a laser pointer to point out specific features of a slide while talking.
  • Speak loudly, clearly and succinctly.