About the Conference

Conducting of scientific researches and their peculiarities in Ukraine under martial law deserve great respect. Today, science, especially technical, stands on its front, next to our army, in the war against the Russian invaders.

The fruitful, constructive work of the I-st International Scientific and Technical Conference MTE-2024, for the sake of health, preservation of the spirit of all of us and our patriotic scientific community, deserved respect and recognition.

Therefore, the organizers decided to continue developing science in a difficult time for Ukraine and to organize the II-nd International Scientific and Technical Conference MTE-2024 with the assistance of OPTIMA project, which is aimed at implementing the ideas and practices of Open Science in Ukraine to improve the quality of educational services. The project is financed with the support of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

The working languages of the conference (including conference materials, presentations and discussions) are Ukrainian, English.