Conference Topics

Main issues for discussion: 

  1. The problem of psychologism in classical and modern literature; 
  2. Gender studies in literature, psychology, pedagogy; 
  3. Fiction as illustrative material in the study of psychology and pedagogy, the educational potential of fiction; 
  4. Problems of applied psychology and modern forms of work of a practicing psychologist; 
  5. The genesis of creativity in the life of an individual; 
  6. Problems of personality socialization; 
  7. Correctional pedagogy and psychology; 
  8. Language, thinking, consciousness: philological and psychological perspectives; 
  9. Theory and practice of discourse (linguistic, humanitarian, social vectors of development); 
  10. Strategies of translation of fiction; 
  11. Perspectives of interdisciplinary studies of literature, psychology, pedagogy, history; 
  12. Freudianism in the culture and literature of the 20th-21st centuries; problems of using innovative technologies in psychological and pedagogical research; 
  13. Issues of teaching methods of literary, psychological and pedagogical disciplines in higher education.