Food insecurity - Ukrainian Realities


According to GRFC 2023-Country profile-Ukraine, at the beginning of the full-scale war, 25% of the population of Ukraine severely food insecure  (23% of the population - moderate food insecurity and 2% - severely food insecure ). The worst results were recorded in the southern (31%) and eastern (29%) regions, the lowest levels - in the central (19%). The situation with the food insecure remains quite urgent and difficult for Ukraine. And to solve it, Ukraine needs to use not only its own resources, but also get help from the world community.

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Ім'я Прізвище Приналежність до організації E-mail Номер телефону ORCID ID Адреса організації Внесок автора(ів) Приналежність до організації
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Povitroflotskyi Avenue, 31, 03037, Kyiv, Ukraine
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