Promoting inclusive excellence through Universal Design for Learning in Ukrainian universities


The paper examines how implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) frameworks can promote inclusive excellence in Ukrainian universities. While UDL has the potential to fundamentally change the educational paradigm in Ukraine, moving from universal standardization to a supportive culture of learning diversity, it has not yet been widely implemented in Ukrainian higher education institutions. When given flexible options for representation, expression and participation, students of all backgrounds and abilities can achieve high levels of success. The article argues that MTSS as a systemic approach that aims to identify and address the strengths and needs of all students by optimizing data-driven decision-making, monitoring progress, and using evidence-based support is essential for successful UDL implementation. Coordinated efforts from educational leaders, administrators, faculty, and support staff would help to create a more inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students.

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Автор (співавтори)
Ім'я Прізвище Приналежність до організації E-mail Номер телефону ORCID ID Адреса організації Внесок автора(ів) Приналежність до організації
Donetsk National Technical University
56, Potebni St., Lutsk, Volyn region, 43003, Ukraine
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Написання – оригінальний рукопис