Information for Authors

Conference participants are proposed to publish their materials in the form of:

CONFERENCE PAPERS are only accepted for publication in Ukrainian, Polish or English. The electronic version of the conference paper manuscript should be up to 5 A4 pages, filling the last page at least by 75%, typed in Microsoft Word text editor in the form of a computer file with the extension *doc, *rtf.

The margins: left – 3.0 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top, bottom– 2.0 cm. Text font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, paragraph indent – 1.25cm, line spacing – 1.5; no hard return, no archiving, no disabled editing. 

The first line is the paper title (bold type, all capitals, centered); the second line – author’s full name (bold type, italics, centered); the third line – name of the education institution represented by the author (italics, centered); the fourth line – city, region, country (italics, centered).

The list of references is provided after the text body tiled as “References” (up to five sources) following the State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 ‘Information and Documentation. Bibliographic References. General Requirements and Rules of Compilation’ or in accordance with the requirements of the APA style.

All references in the text are indicated by square brackets with the number of a source in the list of references and comma-separated page numbers, for example [1, pp. 34–36].

In the name of the conference paper manuscript file, it is required to provide the author’s surname and the number of the conference theme section. For example, if you choose the first theme section (Humanitarian component as an important link in training a competitive professional within the context of the contemporary labor market needs): Petrov_confpaper_1.


Conference Paper Sample 



Larysa Lysak 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 

Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine


Conference paper text […]


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FULL PAPERS are accepted for publication in Ukrainian, Polish or English. Minimum paper length – 10 pages. The margins: left – 3.0 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top, bottom – 2.0 cm. Text font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, paragraph indent – 1.25cm, line spacing – 1.5; no hard return, no archiving, no disabled editing.

In the right top corner of the first page of the manuscript, there is author’s/authors’ name(s) (bold, italics), name of the institution, city, region, country (italics); lower – the full paper title (bold, all capitals, centered).

The list of references is provided after the main text body under the title “References” following the State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 ‘Information and Documentation. Bibliographic References. General Requirements and Rules of Compilation’ or in accordance with the requirements of the APA style.

References in the text are indicated by square brackets with the number of a source in the list of references and comma-separated page numbers, for example [1, pp. 34–36].

In the name of the full paper manuscript file, it is required to the author’s surname and the number of the conference theme section. For example, if you choose the first theme section (Humanitarian component as an important link in training a competitive professional within the context of the contemporary labor market needs): Petrov_fullpaper_1.



Full Paper Sample


Larysa Lysak, Vita Hryhorieva
Donbas National Academy
of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine




Abstract. The article is aimed at a topical problem of organizing the educational process in higher education institutions [...] 600–700 printed characters. 

Keywords: higher education, educational process, distance learning, information technologies (5–8 key words).

Full paper text […]


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