Higher Technical Education: Challenges, Problems, Prospects

Higher Technical Education: Challenges, Problems, Prospects


Fully Online

Place: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Karpatska str., 15, Ivano-Frankivsk (Microsoft Teams)
Conference languages: Ukrainian, Polish, English

III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Higher Technical Education: Challenges, Problems, Prospects”


Scientific and pedagogical staff and applicants for education are invited to participate in the conference.

Theme Sections of the Conference:

  1. Humanitarian component as an important link in training a competitive professional within the context of the contemporary labor market needs.
  2. Training of future professionals in higher education institutions.
  3. Current challenges of sustainable development of the state on the basis of economic management improvement.
  4. Management in the XXI century: present-day trends and prospects.
  5. Economy and society modernization: socio-humanistic and intellectual-innovative contexts.
  6. Information technologies in science, education and engineering.
  7. Ukraine as the risk society.


Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture