Information for the Authors

Information for the Authors of the manuscripts (theses of reports)

  • the manuscript’s volume should be 3-4 pages (A 4);
  • the theses should be submitted in one copy (line spacing – 1,5, print – Times New Roman, type size – 14, margins – 2 centimeters, indented line – 1 cm, without extra omissions, line break, numbering pages; hyphen and dash should not be confused;
  • the TITLE OF THE ARTICLE should be capitalized (alignment – centre), above the title of the article on the right – the first and the second name of the author, below it – the name of the city, on the left – УДК, after the title – the text of the article. The bibliographical references in the text of the article should be put in square brackets in accordance with the State Standard (GOST) of Ukraine with the number of the source and page, e.g. [3, с. 37–38], for multivolume editions – [5, v. 2, p. 53] (Hyperlink function mustn’t be used!). 
    After the text of the article there should be: REFERENCES (in alphabetical order);
  • the text should be printed without division of words; 
  • the indented line of poems should be 4 cm.