After the collapse of the Soviet bloc, Ukraine faced a double transformation: gaining independence (building its state structure) and moving towards democracy (replacing socialism with democracy). These two steps were not easy to make and as the future would show, they encountered many obstacles.
Focusing on the democracy installation and development, one can state that the Ukrainians were in favour of this regime for sure as two revolutions revealed it: the Orange Revolution and Euromaidan. Although social support for democratic changes, the evaluation of this regime is not so optimistic and the political actors were not so skilful in democracy implementation.
In the literature, one can state synthetically that there are some phases throughout democracy develops as the erosion of non-democratic regime, transition and democratic consolidation. The first one refers to the way previous political elites finally give up, the second one focuses on institutional patterns on which democracy should be anchored and the democratic consolidation is about maturing political, law and mostly social acceptance of democratic rules.
The analysis of Ukrainian democracy shows that the above-mentioned road is inconsistent and chaotic with many turns back.
In the paper, I would like to ask if the two resolutions: the Orange Revolution and Euromaidan impacted the process of democratization. To answer the question I would benefit from the quantitative data of Freedom House, report Nations in Transit.
Keywords (in English)