11th International Youth Science Forum ’Litteris et Artibus’

Гібридний (наживо та дистанційно)

Dates: November 21-23, 2024
Venue: Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine


Welcome to ’Litteris et Artibus’!

Welcome to the 11th International Youth Science Forum ’Litteris et Artibus’ (LEA-2024)! This traditional annual event hosted by Lviv Polytechnic National University aims at bringing together early-career and seasoned researchers from diverse fields to boost interdisciplinary collaboration. ’Litteris et Artibus’ fully adheres to Open Science principles and is committed to its Open Access policy, making the Forum proceedings freely available to the public.

Since 2009 the Forum has shaped an environment for ideas and best practices sharing and became a place for building new partnerships. During that time, over 4 700 scholars from 42 countries participated in the event giving early-career researchers an essential platform for international discussion on their work.